How to infuse licorice?

Oct 07, 20240 comments
organic liquorice infusion

Infusing licorice root with water is one of the most popular ways to consume licorice root . During the colder months, an infusion is great for the body. On the other hand, during the warmer months, we can prepare it and then add some ice to refresh this drink that is so beneficial for our health.

We tell you how to prepare it step by step

All you need is a branch of licorice, a water heater and a knife. Here are some of our best products

If you do not have a water heater, you can use a saucepan to heat the water.

Heat the water

The moment when you heat the water is not of great importance. However, I like to heat the water first while I perform the other processes in the guide.

It is advisable for the water to reach a temperature of 100º to extract all the flavor of this root.

Peel the licorice root

Using a knife, peel the rind off the licorice root until it is clean. You can do this without peeling it and then strain the water well so that there are no remains of the rind or dirt, but if we peel it beforehand we skip the step of straining it. If you want to know more ways to peel it, we invite you to visit our blog on how to peel licorice root .

For better preservation of the product, it is advisable to only peel the amount of licorice that you are going to use.

Cut the root

Cut the licorice into small pieces and add them to a tea cup or tea strainer, this way you will get the water to penetrate all parts of the licorice.

Pour the water over the licorice pieces

Finally, pour the water over the licorice pieces placed in the cup and let it rest for about 3 to 5 minutes. If you are looking for u once the time has passed we remove the roots and we can now enjoy this wonderful licorice infusion.

Are you a fan of licorice infusions? Discover our licorice cut infusion , with finely cut licorice pieces ready to infuse.

Licorice, fresh cut infusion

Ready to drink and enjoy

You can now enjoy all the benefits of Licorice Root in a quick and easy way. If you are in a hurry and want to enjoy a quick licorice infusion to prepare, you can try licorice pyramids .

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